Brazilian Chubby goddess and Aunt

Brazilian Chubby goddess and Aunt
Missy burst out of the warm turquoise water like a Brazilian
goddess. Down her voluptuous body the seawater cascaded.
Confidently she strutted her perfectly tanned, naked body past the
lustful stares of the young boys on the beach and stepped into the
waiting embrace of her man, Raul. She snuggled her wet body close to
his, enjoying the sunny warmth from his hard, lean, muscular body.
She rested her arms on his broad shoulders and teasingly traced her
fingers through his thick dark hair. His strong hands slid down her
backside, cupped her cheeks, and pulled her snug against his aroused
body. With a deep-throated purr of desire Missy brushed her soft
lips against the rough stubble of his beard. Their lips met in a
passionate kiss. When their lips finally parted, Missy rested her
head against Roul's warm chest. She could hear the pounding, driving
beat of his heart.

"There is something I must tell you, my sweet pet," Raul said in his
deep masculine voice. Missy gazed lovingly up into Raul's dark
mysterious eyes. "Mom says to get your big fat butt out of bed and
downstairs now."

Missy angrily rolled over in her bed and stared at her bedroom door.
There was a heavy pounding on the door followed quickly by the
annoying squawk of her younger sister, Amy. "Hey, big butt! Wake

Missy threw the covers off and jumped out of bed naked. Quickly she
pulled on the oversized Miami Dolphin's jersey that was draped over
the back of a chair and stomped angrily over to the door. She
unlocked and pulled it open. "You say that one more time and I swear
I'm going to beat the crap out of you."

Amy hooked a finger in her mouth and played the innocent little
girl. "Say what? Mom?"

"You know what," Missy hissed, and then slammed her bedroom door shut.

Amy waited a second, and then called out, "Oh, do you mean big
butt?" Hearing her older sister scream, Amy squealed with laughter
and sprinted down the steps.

Missy tore open her bedroom door and raced down the steps after Amy.
"Come back here you little runt!"

Already dressed Amy dashed out the front door and down the driveway.
At the end of the driveway she turned and smiled at Missy standing in
the doorway. "Maybe you'd catch me if you didn't have so much junk
in that trunk!" she shouted for the entire neighborhood to hear.
Then with a smug little smile, Amy turned and walked down the
sidewalk, swinging her skinny little butt as she went.


Missy walked up the narrow steps to her Aunt Sarah's attic. Even
before she reached the top step and turned on the light, she was
starting to sweat from the summer heat trapped in the small cluttered
attic. Carefully she weaved her way through the towering columns of
dusty unmarked boxes and approached the single small window. Small
beads of sweat started to trickle down her skin. Pushing aside the
dingy, cobweb covered drape, she coughed on the ancient dust she had
stirred up. Unlocking the latch, Missy pushed up on the window, but
the window did not move. She tried a second and third time to open
the window, but the window never moved. Hot, sweaty, frustrated, and
pissed that she was stuck up in the hot stuffy attic alone on a
gorgeous summer day, Missy punched the window frame with the palm of
her hand. She tried the window again. But the window still would
not move. She punched the frame several more times.

"Having fun yet?" Amy asked from the top of the attic steps.

Missy stopped struggling with the window. She turned and glared at
her younger sister. The sweat dripped into her eyes, burning them,
but she was determined not to wipe her brow in front of Amy. "What
do you want, runt?"

"Mom sent me to see if you need any help."

"You want to help?"

"Sure," Amy replied in her all-to-familiar sweet voice that meant it
was a lie.

"Then go jump in Dinkman's hole and stay there!"

"Fine," Amy replied, ignoring Missy's angry suggestion. "You can
have the attic all to yourself." As she walked back down the steps,
she added, "Maybe you'll sweat some of that fat off that big butt of
yours." Amy shouted with laughter as she quickly ran down the steps
and out into the backyard where her mother was weeding.

Missy screamed and rushed through the boxes after Amy. She bumped
into a pile of heavy boxes, lost her balance and fell backwards,
knocking over several boxes that landed on top of her.

Hot, sweaty and covered with dirt and dust, Missy angrily shoved the
boxes off of her. One of the boxes she tossed aside landed on its
side and spilled its contents out over the floor. Missy groaned as
she watched the small knickknacks tumble and slide across the wooden
floor. Now she had to pick them all up and rebox them.

On her hands and knees, Missy crawled, picking up the spilled
knickknacks and dropping them into the box she pulled along beside
her. As she worked, her sweat dripped off her and left little
puddles on the dusty floor. The last of the spilled knickknacks she
picked up was a snow globe. Carelessly she tossed the globe into the

Missy climbed slowly to her feet. Leaning against a pile of boxes,
she wiped her dirty, sweaty face in her t-shirt. As soon as she
dropped her t-shirt the sweat started running down her face again and
into her eyes.

Missy lifted the box of knickknacks and placed it on a pile of boxes
labeled 'Keepers'. As she struggled with the flaps to try and close
the box, Missy noticed the globe. Her brow creased as she stared at
the globe. Something, her mind told her, was not right about the
globe. Pushing back the flaps, Missy grabbed the globe and pulled it
out for a closer inspection.

She turned the small globe in her hand and examined it. But there
seemed to be nothing unusual about the globe; it looked like an
ordinary snow globe mounted on a little stand.

She felt a bead of sweat trickle down between her large breasts,
tickling her hot skin.

Hoping to cool her thoughts, if not her body, Missy shook the globe.
But no snowflakes whirled around the simple rustic cabin inside the
globe. She tipped the globe over and checked the bottom for a leak
or crack. There was no leak or crack in the glass sphere. She
brought the globe to her ear and shook it again. There was no
sloshing sound of liquid. But there was a sound, just barely
audible. Missy pressed the globe tight against her ear. She heard
the unmistakable sound of the wind.

She pulled the globe away from her ear and still heard what she
thought was the wind. She gazed into the globe and thought she saw
the branches of the little trees swaying. She gasped as she felt
what seemed like a cool wind blow across her body. Feeling the
oppressive heat of the small attic enveloping her body once more,
Missy stared into the globe and wished she could be by the cabin
feeling the cool breeze.

A moment later the globe was lying on the floor covered by Missy's


A light, cool breeze swept across Missy's body, causing her to
shiver. She wrapped her arms around her body and gasped in shock as
she realized she was naked. "Where's my-" her voice fell silent
seeing the rustic candlelit interior that surrounded her.

Directly in front of her was a rough wooden chair that looked as if
a lumberjack rather than a craftsman had built it. The chair was
next to a broad wooden table. The tabletop was made of thick,
unpolished wooden planks. On the tabletop were earthenware plates
and bowls, cups made from a dull metal, and scraps of food. At the
opposite end of the table sat a young man, his mouth hanging open,
his dark blue eyes staring at Missy.

The young man stumbled out of his chair and away from the table. In
one hand he still held the cup he had been drinking from. Without
taking his eyes off Missy, he reached for and grabbed a knife off the
table. Missy screamed in fear as he held the knife up. It was not a
normal table knife; it was the kind of knife hunters used to kill

"What are you doing here?" the young man demanded, trying to hide
his own fear.

Missy took a step back and bumped into a wall.

"Are you an angel?" the young man questioned as he slowly moved
around the table. He dropped the cup on the floor and lifted the
knife. "No, you can't be an angel. You don't have any wings. What
are you?"

Missy shook with fear, her dark brown eyes staring at the large
knife blade.

The young man cleared the table, but did not close in on Missy.
Instead he backed away slightly. He stared at her voluptuous naked
body and felt a surge of desire rush through him. He backed away
from Missy in fear until his back hit the far wall. "Are you a
demon?" he nervously questioned in a quivering voice, no longer able
to hide his own fear. "Is that it? You're a demon, aren't you? A
succubus? A succubus come to enslave me with your body?" Turning
his head, but keeping his eyes fixed on Missy, the young man screamed
at the top of his lungs, "Mom! Pa! Help! There's a demon in the

Missy heard the unmistakable sound of people charging toward the
room. Shaking with fear, she crouched down on the dirt floor.

With an abrupt explosion of sound, a heavy wooden door was thrown
open and slammed against the wall. Missy screamed in fear and
covered her head. In the doorframe stood a short dark-skinned, bare-
chested man wearing course pants and mud stained boots. In his hands
he held a massive double bladed axe better suited for cutting people
in half than for cutting firewood. Behind the man stood a tall, fair-
skinned woman dressed in a dark blue robe. In her right hand she
held a ball of fire like a baseball, ready to throw.

Missy cried out, "No, don't hurt me!"

The woman grabbed the shoulder of the man and stopped his advance.
"Missy?" the woman questioned, "Is that you?"

Missy lifted her head. Wiping the tears from her eyes she looked at
the woman. With confusion she forced out a reply. "Aunt Sarah?"


Sarah placed a wooden cup on the table in front of Missy. "Here.
Drink this. It'll make you feel better."

Missy pushed back the long sleeves of the robe her aunt had given
her to wear and took the cup in both hands. She held it close to her
lips and cautiously took a small sip. It had a cold, clean
refreshing citrus taste. Missy looked up at her aunt, now sitting
across the table from her, and asked, "What is this?"

"Its from an old family recipe. Do you like it?"

Missy nodded and quickly sipped more of the refreshing liquid. "It
tastes like Sprite, but without all the bubbles."

"And without all the sugar," Aunt Sarah added. "It's a healing
drink brewed from the juices of several citrus fruits."

Missy gazed into the clear liquid. She was quiet for a few moments
in thought. Sarah waited patiently for her young niece to summon the
courage and ask the question that was troubling her. Finally Missy
looked up at her aunt and asked the questions that were racing
through her young mind. "Where am I? did I get here?
What happened to my clothes?"

"Those are very good questions, Missy. And I'll try to do my best
to answer them for you. But how much you believe, well, that's
entirely up to you." Sarah reached into the fold of her robe, pulled
out a small globe, and placed it on the table in front of Missy.

"The snow globe!" Missy exclaimed. She put the cup down and reached
for the globe with both hands.

"No, Missy!" Sarah quickly grabbed Missy's wrists and stopped her
from touching the globe. "Do not touch it." Seeing her young
niece's startled expression, Sarah added, "Not just yet. Okay?"

Missy nodded slightly, never taking her eyes off the globe.

Sarah gently placed Missy's hands on the table and relaxed her grip.

"Do you promise-" Sarah stopped, unsure if she had her niece's full
attention. "Missy," her voice took on a deeper commanding tone,
"Look at me, Missy."

Missy felt compelled to lift her gaze from the globe. When her dark
brown eyes meet her aunt's eyes, Missy's vision began to narrow until
she saw only the dark blue of her aunt's eyes staring into her. Her
aunt's deep commanding voice came to her as if echoing down a long
dry well.

"Listen to me, Missy. You will not touch the globe before you until
I command you. Do you understand, Missy?"

"Yes," Missy quietly replied, her own voice sounding hollow and
emotionless in her ears.

Sarah quickly broke the mind link she had established with her
niece. Releasing Missy's wrists, she let the young girl collapse
back into her chair. "Forgive me, Missy," Sarah said quietly as
Missy dropped her head into her hands and rubbed her eyes, "But it
was for your own protection."

"What happened?" Missy groaned.

"You've had a slight dizzy spell, Missy," Sarah lied. "A delayed
reaction to the shock of your new surroundings." She pushed the cup
in front of her niece. "Here, drink. It'll do you good."

Missy wearily reached for the cup with one hand. With the other
hand she kept her painfully tiered eyes covered. She sipped some of
the drink, and before she pulled the cup away from her lips the pain
in her eyes was gone.

Missy looked up. "The snow globe," she said with less enthusiasm
this time. Unconsciously she pulled her hands close to her and hid
them in the large sleeves of her robe.

"You asked me some questions, Missy. Do you remember?"

Missy pulled her gaze up to look at her aunt. She frowned, not
remembering the questions or the conversation.

"You wanted to know how you got here?"

Missy slowly remembered asking the question and nodded. "Where are

Sarah smiled and said, "Well, we're not in Kansas any more, Missy."

Missy frowned, not sure what her aunt meant.

"Missy, do you remember when I used to read to you the story of
Narnia, and how the children entered a world of fantasy when they
entered the wardrobe?" Missy slowly nodded, not sure why her aunt
was talking about fairy tales. "Well, the simple answer is that
you've entered a world of fantasy just like the children in that
story." Sarah read the disbelief in her young niece's face. She
knew she would have to reveal the entire truth, regardless of how
Missy's mother felt about the subject.

"Missy, do you remember little grandma?"

Missy recalled her memories of her great-great-grandmother, Rose, a
tinny shrunken woman who had died at the age of one hundred and six.

"Do you remember the stories your great aunts and uncles used to
tell of how she grew up on a farm in Poland, and how she snuck aboard
a steamship to come to America all by herself when she was only
twelve?" Missy nodded. "Well, I'm afraid that's not really how
little grandma came to live in America."

Sarah slowly worked her way through the story, trying to remember
exactly how her mother had explained the history to her as a young
girl. "Little grandma, Rose, wasn't born in Poland. She wasn't born
in any part of Europe. And she wasn't born at the end of the
ninetieth century." Sarah took a slow, deep breath and then revealed
the family's greatest secret. "Little grandma was born on a
different world. In a different time." She paused and watched her
young niece try to absorb the information.

Missy's eyes went around the small candlelit room. She knew she was
not in aunt Sarah's attic, kitchen or any other part of her aunt's
house. But a different world? She started to shake her head in
denial, and then saw the globe on the table. This one looked
different from the one she had held in the attic. She leaned closer
and peered into the glass sphere. This globe did not have a rustic
cabin surrounded by a forest. This globe had a house, a house that
resembled aunt Sarah's house inside the glass sphere. She turned her
head and listened. From this globe she heard the unmistakable sounds
of a neighborhood street during a summer day - kids laughing, dogs
barking, car driving by, and the occasional loud splash of water as
if someone was jumping into a pool. Missy slowly lifted her head and
gazed at her aunt.

"Yes, Missy," Sarah pointed a thin finger at the house in the globe,
"that's the house I used to live in. That's where you found the
other globe, the one that has a cabin in a forest inside it. The
cabin that you are now inside."

"This is all real?" Missy asked in a whisper. Sarah nodded. "But

"Little grandma was no penniless farm girl, not even in this world.
She was a powerful sorceress. She created these two globes so she
could escape the persecutions that were taking place in this world at
the time."


"Yes." Sarah replied. "A young ambitious wizard aligned himself
with a powerful king and together they set about destroying the power
of the magic users in this world. Little grandma lost many of her
friends during the violent years that followed. Knowing she could
never stand alone against the growing power of the wizard and the
king, she crafted these two globes and escaped to hide in our world."

"Did you come back here to fight the wizard?"

Sarah smiled. "No. That wizard and the king were dead and gone
nearly two hundred years before I was even born."

"Two hundred years? But I thought you said little grandma had to
escape the wizard. If he died over two hundred years ago-" Missy's
voice trailed off as her mind figured out the math involved.

"I told you she was a powerful sorceress."

"Just how old was she?"

"From the dates told in the local legends it would seem she was
really over six hundred years old when she died."

Missy sat quietly and imagined what it would be like to live to be
six hundred years old. In her mind she jumped back to the fourteen
hundreds on Earth and recalled all the different discoveries,
inventions, wars and important events that she could remember. The
sheer number of events quickly overwhelmed her.

"Missy," Sarah called her niece out of her thoughts, "what were you
doing in my attic."

"Mom's finally found a buyer for your house."

"Oh, I see. And let me guess, my dear sweet sister sent you up into
my attic to check and make sure there weren't any family valuables
that were going to be accidentally lost in the sale, hmmm?"

"Mom said you told her to sell the house when you left."

"Yes, you're right. I did tell her to sell it, didn't I?" She
offered Missy a quick smile. "It's just I never thought your mother
would actually do it." Sarah picked up the globed and gazed into it.
In a dreamy voice she said, "Oh, well, I always new this day would
come. I've been preparing for it, but-"

Missy gasped in surprise.

Sarah looked up at her niece. Then seeing a dark shadow stretched
across the tabletop, she turned and saw her son standing just inside
the room next to the door. She turned back to Missy. "Oh, don't
worry, Missy. Adam's not dangerous. He just has a wild imagination.
He's always wished he could have gone with his older brothers when
they left to join the legion. He's terribly bored living here in the
village with us simple farm folk. He's desperate for an adventure."
Sarah leaned across the table and whispered to Missy, "Just between
us girls, I think you scared him more than he scared you."

Missy stared at the young man standing against the wall. "I doubt

"Oh, so lots of gorgeous men have suddenly appeared out of thin air
to stand naked in front of you."

"No, of course not."

"Well that's how you appeared to him, a gorgeous naked woman out of
thin air." Sarah glanced at her son. "I'm sure he's going to be
reliving that magical moment for months to come."

"Aunt Sarah!" Missy's face went bright red as she imagined her
cousin fantasizing about her.

"What?" Sarah played innocent. "A boy's a boy. A girl's a girl.
Are you saying you're built differently than other girls?" She
glanced over her niece's well-curved body. With a knowing smile, she
added, "Well, maybe you are built a little bit differently. More the
better for the lucky fella, eh?"

"But he's my cousin," Missy whispered in shock.

Sarah casually waved away her niece's concern with her hand.
"Cousin, smudgin'."

Sarah turned her head slightly and spoke over her shoulder, "Adam,
come here and meet your cousin, Missy." Adam did not move from the
wall. "Oh, Adam, she's not going to bite you, now come over here and
introduce yourself."

Missy watched as the young man reluctantly pushed himself away from
the wall and walked up to stand behind his mother's chair. He folded
his arms protectively across his chest.

Sarah reached behind her, grabbed Adam's woolen shirt, and pulled
him around her chair to stand next to the table. "Missy. This is
Adam, my youngest. My baby. And, if a mother's opinion matters, the
handsomest of the three."

Adam blushed and lowered his head.

"Adam, this is your cousin Missy." She looked up at Adam, tugged
his shirt to get his attention, and then added, "She comes from my

Adam's dark blue eyes went wide with fascination as he heard this
last bit of information.

Missy felt a rush of excitement while under her cousin's wide-eyed

Sarah poked her son in the chest. "Okay, Adam. That's enough
ogling. We wouldn't want Missy to think you were undressing her with
your eyes." Adam quickly turned his eyes away from Missy.

Missy blushed and turned her head away, embarrassed to realize that
she had been undressing Adam with her own eyes. And the vision, she
had to admit, was very enjoyable.

Sarah noticed her niece's reaction. She turned to her son and said,
"Adam, would you kindly leave us." She glanced up at her son. "We
need to discuss some girl things."

Adam nodded and reluctantly turned to leave. As he walked through
the doorway, he glanced over his shoulder at Missy.

Missy followed Adam with her eyes as he left.

"Missy, would you be willing to do something for me. Something very

Missy reluctantly took her eyes off the doorway and glanced at her
aunt. "Sure Aunt Sarah."

Sarah rose from her chair and quickly went around the table and sat
next to Missy. She looked toward the doorway, and then turned to
Missy. She placed the globe in front of Missy. "When you return to
my attic I want you to do me a very important favor. I want you to
take this globe, the one with my house in it, back with you, and I
want you to break it."

"Break it!"

Sarah quickly covered Missy mouth. "Listen to me, Missy. Listen.
Once my house is sold this globe will be dangerous for me to keep.
Adam has been curious about the globe ever since he learned it
contains a portal to a different world. I told you, he wants
something exciting; he wants an adventure. Up until now I've been
able to keep him away from the globe. But after seeing you and
learning that you came from the other world, I don't know if I can
keep the globe hidden from him. I'm afraid he'll use it and be
transported to my house. Only it wont be my house, it will be
someone else's house. And what do you think they'll do when they
find a naked young man in their house? If they don't kill him
outright, they lock him up for sure."

"But if I break it wont that mean you can't come back to earth?"

"Not at all, Missy," Sarah replied. "Now listen very carefully.
First of all, don't break the globe until you get to your house. Do
you understand? It's very important, Missy. You mustn't break the
globe before you're inside your house. Secondly, make sure you also
take the globe you found in my attic back to your house. I don't
want it sold to some family who wouldn't understand how to use it,
and I don't want it getting into the hands of your mother."

"Why don't you want my mother to get it?"

Sarah paused before she spoke. "Call it sibling pride, or rather
revenge, I guess. We both grew up listening to little grandma tell
us stories about her life here in this fantastic world. Your mother
never believed them. She always thought little grandma was gaga by
that time, and only listened to humor her. But I believed!"

"But if she used the globe now, I'm sure she'd believe."

"No doubt she would," Sarah said. "But do you really think someone
like your mother, someone as massively anally retentive as she is,
would enjoy herself in a world where there was no electricity, no
cell phones, no Macy's?"

Missy knew her aunt's unflattering description of her mother was

"I'm not trying to be mean or spiteful, Missy. I'm just trying to
protect what little grandma gave to us as our heritage. Your mother
wouldn't appreciate it, or really want it. But you would. I know
that. The globe in my attic would never have worked for you if you
weren't one who truly believed in the fantastic."

Missy felt a surge of pride hearing that she had the magical gift,
whatever it was, to activate the globe in her aunt's attic. She was
certain Amy would never have been able to activate the globe.

"When you get to your house with the two globes, I want you to find
someplace that's safe, someplace that's private."

"My bedroom is about the only place in the house where I can have
any privacy."

Sarah looked worried. "What about your younger sister? Will the
globes be safe from her snooping around?"

"Not to worry, aunt Sarah. I made my dad install a lock on my
bedroom door when I found the little runt reading my diary."

"That's good," Sarah said. "Now listen, when you've made it to your
bedroom and locked the door, I want you to break the globe with the
miniature version of my house in it. Please, Missy, make sure you
break the one with my house. If you break the one with the cabin,
you'll destroy the link between our two worlds and we'll never be
able to see each other again."

"Don't worry Aunt Sarah, I understand. I wont screw it up."

"Good. Now when you've broken the globe, I want you to take the
small piece of wood that's inside the globe out. Okay? Then, and
this is very important Missy, very important, I want you to place
something from your bedroom inside the broken remains of the globe.
It can be anything, Missy, anything at all. But it absolutely must
come from your bedroom."

"Why is it so important that it come from my bedroom?"

"The globe will create a link for me to travel too based on the
location of the object that is placed inside it. And considering how
your mother disapproved of my free spirited lifestyle, I don't think
it would be wise for me to suddenly pop up naked in the middle of her
living room when she's entertaining the neighbors. Okay?"

"Okay-" Missy paused as if in thought.

"What is it Missy?"

"Why does the globe send you naked?"

"It's a design element that little grandma put into the globes,"
Sarah replied. "Some of the family thinks she did it as a means of
defense against a would-be assassin."


Sarah smiled. "It's kind of hard to kill someone when you're
standing around with nothing but your birthday suit on, don't you
think?" Missy laughed. "I happen to think it was little grandma's
way of a joke. And also a test."

"A test?"

"A test to see if any of her descendents would be clever enough to
alter the enchantment on the globes without actually breaking them.
So far no one's had the courage to mess with little grandma's globes."

Sarah rubbed her hands together. "Okay. So you understand what you
have to do?"


"Good. Then repeat it back to me."

"I take your globe back to the attic with me," Missy said. "I take
the two globes back to my bedroom."

"Make sure you lock the door," Sarah interjected.

"I make sure to lock my bedroom door. And then I break the globe
with your house in it. Then I take the item out of the globe and put
something from my bedroom in the broken globe."

Sarah looked at her niece. "And then..."

Missy looked at her. "And then what? That's all you said. Break
the globe and put something from my room in it."

Sarah put her hand to her head. "Oh, sweet Jesus! I can't believe
I almost forgot the most important thing!"

"What? What else is there to do?"

"After you put the item from your bedroom into the broken globe you
need to read out loud the writing on the underside of the globe."
Sarah smiled at her niece. "Don't worry, its not some crazy unknown
language. It's in English."

Missy frowned. "If little grandma made these how could it be
written in English? I thought she only spoke a little broken

"Little grandma made the originals," Sarah replied. "This one with
my house in it, I made some years ago when I transferred the portal
from your great-uncle Jim's house to my house. And when you create
the new portal with the item from your bedroom, the words will be
written in English also."

"So what does the writing say?"

Sarah turned the globe over, and pointing to the inscription allowed
Missy to read it.

"Return to sender?"

Sarah smiled. "I told you that old lady had a funny sense of humor."

"Okay." Missy spread the fingers of her left hand out and grabbed
one for each item on her list. "So I take this one and the one from
your attic back to my bedroom. I break this one. I take out the
item in it, and replace it with something from my bedroom. I then
turn over the globe and read the inscription out loud." Missy looked
up at her aunt. "Is that everything?"

"That's everything, Missy," Sarah said. "Now I think it's time for
you to get back to your world. Knowing your mother she's probably
waiting impatiently and wondering why you haven't checked in."

Missy gasped. "Ohmygod! What time is it? How long have I been

"Don't worry. Time passes at the same speed in both worlds. An
hour here is an hour there. And you've been here for less than that.
But still, it's not good to simply just disappear. Your mother will
get worried. And even though your mother and I don't get along, I
wouldn't want you mother to suffer something as terrible as not
knowing where her child is."

Missy's whole body slumped down in the chair. "Does this mean I
can't come back?"

"Oh, of course not." Sarah smiled. "It just means that you have to
be discreet about when you choose to come for a visit, that's all."


"Sure. Like at night when everyone's gone to bed." Sarah gently
nudged her niece in the side and winked. "Come over during the first
week of spring and I'll let Adam escort you to our village's spring

"You're really serious about trying to play matchmaker for Adam and
me, aren't you, Aunt Sarah?"

"Matchmaker?" Sarah waved her hands at her niece as if the
suggestion was unworthy of comment. "Who's playing matchmaker? Is
it so wrong to want to see a beautiful young girl and a handsome
young boy have some fun together while they are still young?"

"Oh, so you wouldn't mind if I came for a visit sometime and spent
the night with Adam?" Missy leaned in close to her aunt and winked
at her, "The whole night!"

Sarah blushed slightly hearing her young niece eagerly challenge her
sexual suggestions. Composing herself, Sarah smiled a sweet auntish
smile and said, "My son is a young man. How he spends his nights,
and who he spends them with is his affair, I'm sure you'll agree."

"Oh, of course." Missy grinned. "Tell me. Does Adam know what
sixty-nine means?"


Missy materialized in her aunt's attic holding the globe. Feeling
the heat of the attic envelop her cool bare skin, she let her eyes
close and enjoyed the warm thrilling sensation. Very quickly her
mind drifted away into a new fantasy involving her, Adam, and a
secluded hideaway.

The floorboards creaked as someone approached.

Missy's heart skipped a beat as she hoped it was Adam following her
from the fantasy world.

The footsteps stopped in front of her. There was a long silence.
Unable to endure the suspense of his approach, Missy opened her eyes.

Standing in front of her was her little sister, Amy.

Amy looked down at the pile of clothes on the floor. Then she
looked back up at her sister, standing naked in the attic caressing a
snow globe. She slowly shook her head, and commented, "You're weird."


Missy stood naked in the dark with her back against her bedroom
door. She pressed her palms against the door to try and steady the
nervous jitters that were racing through her excited body. Her heart
jumped as she heard the grandfather clock in the dinning room ring in
the midnight hour. She glanced around her darkened bedroom. There
was still no sign of Adam.

Missy tilted her head back and rested it against the door. A
forlorn sigh escaped her lips.

Suddenly there was a small flash of color within the blue-black of
the darkened bedroom.

Holding her breath, Missy pushed away from the door and stepped into
the darkness. Surrounded by the darkness, Missy felt she was
freefalling into nothingness. Her heart raced with fearful
excitement as she ventured deeper and deeper into the darkness. And
then, quite unexpectedly, their young bodies touched.

Missy stepped closer. Wrapping her arms around his waist she pulled
him close to her and snuggled her body against his broad bare back.

Adam slid his hands behind him, over Missy's hip, and caressed her
cheeks, pulling her closer to him.

Missy sighed as she rubbed against the warmth of his body.

With an extreme effort Missy pulled her mind away from the wondrous
sensations that were tingling through her body and whispered the
clever little line she had rehearsed all night. "So, are you ready
for your big adventure?" Adam's only reply was a breathless moan.
Missy slowly traced her fingers down Adam's front. In the same
whispered voice she added, "If you turn around I'll show you just how
naughty a little devil I can be."

Missy gently wrapped her fingers around his erect manhood. They
both gasped with surprise at what they felt.


Amy pounded on Missy's bedroom door. "Hey, big butt," she shouted
through the door, "get up!"

There was no response from inside Missy's bedroom.

Amy pounded harder on the door. "Come on, Queen La Tush. Mom wants
aunt Sarah's attic finished sometime today."

There was still no response from inside Missy's bedroom.

Amy placed her ear against the door and listened. She was growing
more and more frustrated that her sister was not responding with her
typical shouts, threats and wild chases. In a desperate move to
force Missy into yelling and chasing her, Amy resorted to her
ultimate weapon. It was the one name she tried to avoid using, not
out of sisterly love, but because of her mother's disciplinary
reactions whenever she heard Amy use it.

Amy knocked on the door with her knuckles. "Hey, let's move it, fat

Amy quickly jumped away from the door and waited for her sister's
screaming charge. But it never came. Annoyed with her sister, Amy
turned from Missy's bedroom door and headed toward the steps. She
suddenly stopped. Her mother was standing in the hallway with her
hands on her hips. Amy smiled, but she knew she was busted. "Hi,
mom. I tried to wake Missy, but she just doesn't want to get up. I
think you need to have a serious talk with her about responsibility
and all that stuff." She started to walk past her mother.

Her mother placed her hand against the wall, blocking Amy's path.
"Hold it right there, young lady."

Amy obediently stopped. She looked up at her mother and smiled.
Her mother did not smile back. "You really should go and have a talk
with Missy. Maybe she's sick or something."

"Your sister is feeling just fine," Mrs. Mitchell said. "As for
responsibility, Missy left just after seven o'clock this morning to
go and work in Aunt Sarah's attic."

Amy glanced back at Missy's bedroom door. "Boy is that a relief. I
thought she might be coming down with something serious." Amy patted
her mother's arm in an attempt to move it. The arm did not move.
Amy looked up at her mother and tried her smile again. This time
Mrs. Mitchell smiled and took Amy by the arm.

Five minutes later Amy was in the dark cobweb covered storage room
in their basement pulling lawn furniture out for her mother's Fourth
of July cookout.

At that same time Missy and Adam were walking through the forest,
hand in hand, picking flowers for one of Aunt Sarah's potions.

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