Fuck me hard - bbw and a nerd

Fuck me hard - bbw and a nerd
I am sitting in the library, waiting for my next student. I can’t even remember what it is I am supposed to be tutoring now. I look in my agenda. I note that I am meeting with a new student Chris at 3:30pm. It’s 4:00pm, and I am still waiting in the library. Although let’s face it, where else would a 4.0 GPA student with no social life be at 4:00pm on a Friday. It’s not like I have entered the student union pub during my two years at college. Chris is probably at the student union drinking right now.

I take another sip of the coffee in my thermos as I wait for Chris to not show up. I will certainly need all the caffeine I can get as I learn how to audit the payables account cycle. I hear footsteps, and I glance up. As I look up I see one of the most beautiful redheaded women I have ever l seen. She approaches the study room I am in.

Her wavy red hair extends to her shoulders. Her emerald green eyes are looking directly at me. She is wearing a black leather jacket, and matching leather pants, and boots. She is holding a motorcycle helmet in her left hand, and she is wearing a backpack. She has to be at least 5’10" and she is likely over 230lbs. Some guys like thin women, and good for them. Maybe I am just wired differently. I just prefer women who are bigger. As icing on the cake, she also has a pierced lip, and crimson lipstick. She is both fierce and beautiful at the same time.

"Excuse me!" she asks. "I am looking for my tutor."

I take my eyes off of her long and fiery red hair to look at my agenda. I sigh to myself and think why I am never lucky enough to tutor a really hot student like this.

"I doubt it. I am looking for someone named Chris, who is probably some dude who is already drunk off his ass. While I am here looking at sampling techniques to use when reviewing accounts payable. I admire Chris, he must know how to enjoy himself. He is smart enough not to be here."

A Cheshire cat grin comes across the red headed woman. She extends a hand. "Hi, I am Christina."

I turn a red color and stand up. "I am so sorry, I just assumed .... "

"Don’t be sorry. I am 30 minutes late. I forgot about our appointment until I was at an intersection and felt my cell phone buzz reminding me of my appointment. I got here as soon as I could," Christina explained. "I practically raced across the city to get here."

While Christina apologized I could not help but wondering if I was having a dream. "I am sorry, I just assumed that Chris was some dude wearing flip flops with a beer in one hand, and a bong in the other."

"No, but that sounds like my brother Nick." Christina replied with her eyebrows raised. "Or maybe my ex!"

"I am so sorry. I ..." stammer like an idiot.

"Are you trying to set a world record for the number of times apologizing to a woman in five minutes?" she asks with a glimmer in her eyes. I could literally stare into those eyes for eternity. "I think my ex already set that record when I found him screwing another girl in the parking lot behind his work."

"Did the apology work?" I asked.

"Sure, and then I apologized for letting the air out of his tires."

"It’s just that I didn’t want offend you."

"I am just messing with you," Christina chortles. "So I guess I only have thirty minutes left?"

"I really wasn’t doing anything important, and it’s not like I have anywhere else to be, so we might as well complete a one hour session," I answer, trying to appear smooth. This is a bit difficult considering that I am a huge nerd. I sense she can see right through me. "So let me guess, you’re a marketing student?"

Christina sits down and puts her backpack on the table. "Nope!" She replies.

"Sorry I am used to tutoring marketing students who begrudgingly have to take an accounting course. Are you in another business program?" I enquire.

"Nope, try again!" Christina replies.

"Are you an accounting student?" I ask.

"God no! I would never be able to stand the boredom. I am in the small engines program," Christina replies.

"Why are you taking accounting 101 then?" I ask.

"It is a long story," she answers.

"So what is it that you are having a problem with?" I ask.

"Let’s start with the concept of debit versus credit," she states.

"Think of debit as the greek word for left hand side, and credit as the greek word for right hand side." I remarked.

"Wait! Why don’t you just say left hand side and right hand side," she asks.

"Because it is more syllables than debit or credit." I answer, "as long as your left hand side equals the right hand side, all is okay."

She sits down and takes off her leather jacket, and her boots. The image of her unzipping her leather makes my heart palpitate.

"Mind if I take my boots off," she asks as she already has one boot off. "My feet are aching."

I am tempted to offer her a foot massage. However my brain immediately tells me that would not be a good idea considering I just met her. And she looks like she could easily kick my ass.

"Go ahead," I remark.

We sit for the next hour and go over her assignment. At the end she thanks me. I ask her for her number.

"Ohh!" she grins," are you going to ask me on a date?" she teases.

"Ah well, ahhh, I thought I should have your number, so we can set up another appointment." I stutter. I must have been blushing.

I see a smile on her face again. She laughs. "She writes her number on a piece of paper. Are you sure you don’t want to ask me anything else?"

As she is zipping up her leathers past her breast at this time, and I let out a shallow breath.

"Can I ask you something?" Christina asks.

"Sure." I say. I am still a beet red color.

"Do you ever leave here?" she asks.

"What do you mean?" I ask

"Everytime I am in the library, you are here," she states.

"Well I am in here quite a bit," I admit to her.

"What do you do for fun?" she inquires.

"Well I sit on the board as a secretary for an organization, and I take the minutes," I respond.

"No I mean fun," she responds.

"I like to dabble in Visual C#," I answer.

"Have you ever done anything reckless," she asks.

"I guess it depends on your definition of reckless," I stated.

She shakes her head. "Guess how fast I was travelling along the highway to get here," she gloats.

"Well the legal speed limit is 100km/h. So I am going to say 100km/h."

"Try 100mph!" she responds. She sighs. "Do you know how I found you as a tutor?" she enquired.

"I asked at the tutoring office for the guy that seems to live at the library. And the tutoring coordinator immediately thought of your name," she responded. "So I figured you must have known your stuff. And, you certainly know a lot. You are a walking encyclopedia." she said.

"Okay", I said.

"Take a risk once and a while," she advised, "you might get lucky. By the way your cheeks are as red as my Ducati." She then winked at me as she put on her riding gloves, and walked out of the door.

I walked home after that encounter. I wasn’t sure what to think, or feel. Take a risk? Is she wanting me to ask her out? Why would someone as hot as her want to be with someone like me? She could probably have any guy in a second. Is she just trying to just express some form of platitude like life is too short? Well I have another four sessions with her. Why on Earth did she ask me to tutor her? Why on Earth is she even studying accounting? It’s not even something that most mechanics study. What does she want?

I end up tossing and turning that night thinking about her. Thinking of her racing through the night at high speeds on her Ducati. I decided to have a few allergy pills to help put me to sleep.

The next day when I am walking back to college, I hear the sound of a motorcycle. I look over to my right and see her red Ducati as she speeds along to school. She briefly looks over at me as she races along.

I arrive at school and walk into my first class. The Canadian Income Tax Act is literally as thick as a major city phonebook. It is long and complicated. It is the product of 100 years of parliamentary debate, and reactions to court decisions. Yet I still find it simpler and more understandable than things like love, attraction, and sex. Using the Income Tax Act, I can calculate with absolute certainty of the value of the adjusted cost basis of a piece of real property, and the taxable capital gains on said property, as well as the marginal tax owing on the disposition of the property. I cannot with a high degree of certainty how a woman will react to my advances. It’s not calculable. So I retreat to the solitude of the library. Sex is another matter. I have read various biology books, so I understand academically the process involved with sex. I have read about various positions in the Karma Sutra. However I question how on Earth I would actually ... do it. I should likely be paying attention to the professor, but I am not.

I leave the class, and happen to walk through the tech section on my way to my Financial Administration course. I happen to see Christina in the hallway. She seemed to be wearing crimson lipstick.

"Hey!" she said.

"Hi!" I say, with a smile.

"Sorry I didn’t stop, but I didn’t have another helmet," she remarked.

"That is okay," I remarked.

Behind me I hear someone loudly proclaim, "Whoa, Christina’s getting laid."

Without missing a beat, Christina looks up and extends a middle finger. "Fuck off Jay!" she said. She motioned for me to walk with her down the hall.

"So I have a test next Tuesday, and I really need help." she said.

"Is it the second test?" I ask.

"Yes!" she remarks.

"So we need to cover trial balances, income statements, and balance sheets," I explain. "When would you like to meet in the library," I ask.

Christina looked at me and said, "how about we meet in the cafeteria at 3:00pm. I have a three hour class, and I am starving by the end."

"You don’t think it will be too distracting." I ask.

"I usually listen to AC/DC when studying," she remarks.

"I suppose you don’t need a quiet environment when studying." I remark.

"I am used to hearing engines, and air tools." She answered.

We meet at 3:00pm in the cafeteria. She gets a bacon double cheeseburger and fries. She asked me if I wanted anything, and I remarked that I had lunch before.

"So where should we begin?" she asks.

"I have to ask, what did you mean when you were talking about I might get lucky if I take a risk?" I inquired. I start blushing

Christina looks directly into my eyes, smiles, and says, "you will have to find that out for yourself. Do you play poker?"

"No, I have never played poker," I answer.

"Figures! You have a tendency to blush when you get flustered. It’s kind of cute. But it is a huge tell. I don’t think you could bluff me at all. You would lose your shirt to me," she remarks.

"Thanks! I think." I don’t know whether to take that as an insult, or compliment.

"I hope I don’t scare you off by asking, but do you have a crush on me." She asks.

I struggle to form words. How do I say this? Fuck yes absolutely, I was up dreaming about you last night. I open my mouth, "are you psychic?"

"You were sending out vibes the last time. I noticed your breathing when I zipped up my leather jacket," she says this with a smile on her face.

"Do you find me attractive?" she asks.

I have never had a conversation like this with a woman. Let alone a goddess like her. Why can’t I just get the words out?

I finally manage to blurt out a phrase, "You are extremely hot!" By this time, I am sweating.

"So ... Is there anything you would like to ask me?" Christina asks.

"Would you like to go out to dinner with me?" I ask quietly. Although she has been fishing for me to ask this question, part of me is afraid she will turn me down.

"When?" she asks.

"Tomorrow," I gulp.

"Do you have a car?" she asks.

"No," I answer.

"I will pick you up in my dad’s car, and then we will go from there." she remarks.

"Come walk with me," she instructs.

I walk with her to her locker, where she gets her leathers on, and she gets her helmet. She takes her long wavy hair, and puts it into a ponytail with a scrunchie. She closes her locker, and I follow her outside to her bike.

She straddles the 1200cc stallion, and starts the engine. The image of this gives me an instant erection. Her legs are straddling the mighty 1200cc beast. She puts her gloves on, and revs the powerful engine between her legs. I can imagine it throbbed against her pussy.

She smiles and says, "I will see you tomorrow night babe. I have to fly." She gives me a come closer gesture with her finger. I move closer to her and the beast of a machine. She pecks me on the lips, and then puts her helmet on, and does up the strap. I see her smile from behind the helmet. She then lets out the clutch, and proceeds to race out of the parking lot. The end of her ponytail sticks out of her helmet, and is held up by the flow of air created by her motorcycles high velocity. This is clearly someone who has no concept of what a posted speed limit is.

I walk home haunted by the image of her rocketing away. Holy Lady Godiva, I think to myself. For the life of me I can’t figure out what she sees in me. I think back to her remarks about her ex. I can’t help but wonder if he was mentally defective. Why would anyone blow a relationship with such an amazing woman?

I lay awake thinking of her long flowing hair, the shade of her crimson lipstick, and the smell of her leather jacket, and her emerald green eyes. I want to look into her eyes forever.

I wake up on Friday morning, and I walk downstairs. I am about to open up my Financial Administration textbook. Yet the image of her haunts me. I could stare for hours at her eyes. Not to mention her boldness. It is a quality I admire. She doesn’t seem to spend her life over analyzing the minutiae of life, or doing cost benefit analysis on what her next move should be.

I should be focusing on a bond yield question, yet I find myself fixated on the image of her racing out of the parking lot. I put down my textbook, and I head upstairs for a shower. I have a quick cold shower, and I head back downstairs.

I quickly complete the bond yield question. The rest of the day is inconsequential, until I get a call at 6:00pm. It’s her.

"Hey," I answer.

"Hi, I have a dumb question" she asks.

"Okay!" I answer.

"Where do you live?" she asks.

"500 Borden St, south of Tamworth." I respond.

"Shit that must be a hike back and forth? I’ll offer you a ride to school next time." she answers.

"I should be there in five minutes. So, where are we going on our date?" she questions.

Oh, fuck I completely have no Idea. "What is your favourite place?" I ask.

"Are you in the mood for a drive?" she asks.

"Okay. That sounds good." I respond. Actually it sounds like the highlight of my still young adult life, but I don’t want to sound too excited.

A few moments later, a red sports car pulls up. I walk out, and notice it is Christina behind the wheel. I can’t help but notice the vanity plate that reads "Hanan1." I get in what I determine to be a Ford Mustang.

"Wow, nice car!" I remark, as I sit in the leather seat.

"Hey babe," Christina says, "you ready for our date?"

"Sure, where are we going?" I ask.

Christina pulls out of the driveway, and starts heading south.

"Does it really matter where we go? It’s a surprise, and you’re along for the drive," she answers devilishly.

She then turns on the CD player, and AC/DC’s Thunder stuck is playing. She looks over at me, and there is a glimmer in her eyes.

We head south towards the freeway, and stop at a red light near the exit ramp. For some reason I feel emboldened. I lean over towards her, and peck her on the cheek. She smiles, and she returns my kiss. She moves her hand for the gear shifter to my left leg. Her hand moves up my left thigh towards my crotch. I feel a tingling sensation from her touch. I groan softly.

As the lights begin to change she moves her right hand back to the shifter.

She makes a right turn onto the freeway on ramp.

"Babe, you might want to hold on to something, and put your head against the headrest" she states. "The 4.6 litre engine in this car can get to 60 in 3 seconds flat.

I open my eyes wide, put my head back, and hold on. Her right foot pushes the accelerator. In a few heartbeats we speed past the 100km/h limit. I look over to her face, and I can tell that speed is her aphrodisiac. We change lanes over to the left. She pulls her foot back on the accelerator, and the car no longer feels like an F18 taking off from the flight deck of a carrier.

"Oh fuck!" I exclaim.

"I think that is the first time I heard you swear," she said with a smirk. She moved her right hand back over to my thighs, and continued to rub. I am not sure if it was the petting, or the fact I was sitting next to Christina racing down the highway, but I was definitely aroused.

Christina looked over and noticed the bulge in my shorts.

She giggled.

"My ex used to complain that I teased him too much," she said in a sultry voice. "I don’t play fair, and I love to tease."

Christina drives to the next exit. I swear we are travelling twice the speed of the suggested ramp speed. I feel the lateral G forces pull me towards Christina.

We travel a kilometer south. I notice a sign on the side of the road. "Hanan’s Toy World." Is there a family connection?

"Stop one on our tour." She declares.

We go around to the rear entrance. And she opens the rear door. She punches in a code on the alarm panel.

"Welcome to my family’s business," she welcomes. She motions for me to follow her to an office.

I enter the office with her, and I notice photos of a younger her wearing motocross gear. She is sitting on top of a dirt bike without a helmet.

"That was after I won the provincial youth motocross championship," she boasted. "There were a lot of guys that were disappointed they lost to a girl."

"I bet," I chortle. "You never cease to amaze me."

She sits on top of a desk near me.

"So has it become obvious why I would want to study accounting," she remarks.

"I am able to figure that out now," I answer.

"Someone has to maintain the books, and my brother is an idiot," she remarks.

"I will admit that I am a much better mechanic than an accountant. I have been working on cars and bikes since I was 15," she remarks. "When the Ducati came in, it would not start. I replaced the starter, and now it growls like a beast."

"It sounds like it is fun to ride," I remarks.

From Christina’s expression I can tell that I have made the understatement of this century.

"You don’t simply ride a Ducati, you become one with the machine. The seat is angled so your intimate parts are pressed into the gas tank. It has a 1200 cc v twin motor that throbs against you. It rides like an untamed stallion. It accelerates hard, and brakes hard. To get the most enjoyable ride you have to lean with the machine. And, if you are not careful it will throw you off. It is like having hard rough sex," she explains seductively.

Watching her give this explanation causes my dick to swell. Because I am wearing shorts she can see the effect that she is having on me. She smiles.

She motions for me to come closer. I happily oblige her. She then opens her legs and extends them around me. She then closes her legs around me, holding me in place. Once again I am amazed by her boldness. I have never been this close to a woman before. She is holding me against her. The only thing that separates my swollen penis from her vagina is 3 mm of clothing. She feels me against her. She smiles.

"It looks like someone is eager to play," she whispers, "maybe he can come out a bit later. We still have to go to dinner, and I know just the place. There is just one thing."

By this time I am willing to do anything she tells me to do. I am entranced by her.

"What’s that?" I ask.

"Do you trust me?" she asks.

"Without a doubt," I answer.

She releases me from her hold, and I step back. Her leather jacket and helmet are in a nearby chair. She puts on her jacket, and tells me to follow her out of the office.

We walk over to a nearby coat rack in the back. She pulls a jacket off the rack and hands it to me. On the shelf she finds some chaps.

"You’ll want to put these on babe," she suggests.

"Why?" I ask.

"We are going out to dinner on my latest project. And, I always believe in wearing the right gear for biking. Now put these on while I get you a helmet."

I put on the leathers and chaps as I am instructed. She returns with a helmet for me to wear.

"You look sexy in leather. Here is a helmet for you to wear. You might want to wait until we are outside before you put it on," Christina instructs.

She grabs her helmet and her gloves from the office.

"Ready?" she asks.

"I have no idea what I am getting into," I remark.

"Relax! It will be more fun than you ever had," she answers.

She takes my hand, and she leads me out the side door. It’s waiting there.

"The Ducati is being delivered on Tuesday to a customer. I just finished work on the Hayabusa today," she remarked. "It is even faster than the Ducati."

I start feeling weak in the knees. I have never been on a motorcycle before. I am extremely nervous, given Christina’s aversion to posted speed limits.

"I have never been on a motorcycle before." I remark.

"I promise not to ride like a maniac with you on the bike," she responds, "you just snuggle against my back, place one hand on the tank, and the other against my waist. Keep your feet on the pegs, and move with me like a human backpack. I can tell that your cock is hardening at the idea of spooning with me on my motorcycle."

Fuck she is right. I look as she straddles the bike, and turns the key. She pushes the starter and the machine roars to life. She puts her helmet on, and motions for me to put my helmet on. I am not able to fasten the strap on the bottom. Christina sees this, and reaches over, and fastens the strap. She turns on the intercom.

"Okay, now put your left foot on the peg, put your hand on my shoulder, swing your other foot around to the other peg, sit down, and hold on to me," she instructs.

I do as she instructs

"Babe, you need to hold on tighter or you will fall off," she states.

I am now leaning against her on the bike, and my engorged penis is pressed against her voluptuous ass. Since Christina loves to tease me, she wiggles her ass against me.

"Hold on babe, we are about to fly," she states.

We exit the parking lot of her family’s dealership, and then we are off. We lean into the turn to exit the dealership, and then she opens the throttle as we exit the turn. I close my eyes. I feel the acceleration, and hold her tighter. She shifts into second gear, and there is no indication that she plans on letting up on the throttle. I open my eyes for a moment, and I see the back of her helmet, and the bottom of her pony tail. I close my eyes again, and focus on breathing. She shifts into third, and she starts to let off the throttle.

She lets off the throttle, and she moves her left hand to my knee.

"Still back there?" she asks.

"Oh fuck, how fast are we going?" I ask.

"80mph," she answers.

"Promise me one thing," I ask.

"What?" she asks.

"Warn me when you do that again," I answer.

She laughs.

I open my eyes, and I see that we are approaching an intersection. Christina applies the brakes. I push against the gas tank to avoid knocking her helmet. In spite of my efforts I end up sliding forward, and I end up pressing up against her ass harder.

"Hmm that felt nice," she teases. "I will have to do that again."

"This is more intense than any thrill ride I have ever been on," I remark. "Now I know what it’s like to be on one of those Star Wars Landspeeders."

"Star Wars fan?" she asks "I will have to put on my R2-D2 nightgown on for you. I was thinking of wearing my Batgirl nightwear."

"Batgirl sounds sexier." I joke. "You even have the bike and leathers to match."

Christina laughs.

"When I first met you, you were nervous to ask my number. Now you want to see my Batgirl nightgown," she remarks.

"I am sitting on your bike, spooning you, and I am horny from the sensation of being pressed against your sexy body while riding your crotch rocket. What inhibitions would I have left," I explain.

"Babe, the Light is about to change, and I am about to open the throttle," Christina says.

I put my arms around Christina tightly below her voluptuous breast, and I move forward on the seat. I am firmly pressed against her leather clad ass. Christina wiggles her ass, and then revs the engine.

"Hmmmm," she groans. "Time to blast off."

She lets in the clutch, and once again we are speeding off into the horizon. This time I am more accustomed to the sudden jolt of speed, and I keep my eyes open. We are rocketing along the highway, yet I no longer feel anxious. I am holding on to her, and I feel safe, and that everything will be okay. I feel connected to her.

"Christina," I say softly.

"Yes," she answers.

"You were right about taking risks, you are the most amazing, and inspiring woman, I have ever met." I profess.

I feel her move her left hand move from the handlebar to my knee. After a spirited 20 minute ride we arrive at a barbecue restaurant on the North Shore of Lake Ontario

We sit on the patio facing the lake.

"So, how did you like riding on my motorcycle?" Christina asks.

"It was better than Disney World," I answer.

"So do you want to come to my place after, or should we go to your place?" she questions.

"It’s the weekend, so my roommates are likely going to be drunk and obnoxious," I answer.

We can go to my family’s cottage and study together," she responds. "I am currently living alone there."

"I left my finance textbook, and income tax act at home" I respond.

Christina laughs, and shakes her head.

"I wasn’t thinking of those two subjects," she responds.

"Do you want another tutoring session?" I ask.

"Umm, sort of" she responds.

"Is there another topic you were thinking of?" I enquire.

"Biology," she responded playfully.

"I am afraid I am not qualified to tutor you in that topic," I answer.

"I was actually thinking of tutoring you in that area," Christina remarked, "Do you understand now?"

I stop for a moment. Is it that obvious that I have never been intimate?

"I am quite knowledgeable in that area. What makes you sure I need a tutor in that area? "I ask. Please may I not be blushing, I think to myself. She can read me like a fucking book.

"Call it a hunch," she says suppressing a laugh, "I am sure you are quite knowledgeable from your readings. However half the fun with biology is applying it in the lab. And Batgirl has some experiments she wants to run with the test tube in your pocket."

"Well, who am I to stand in the way of science, Batgirl," I joke. She laughs, and puts her hand on my knee. The feeling of her hand on my knee bare knee causes a quivering.

After dinner, Christina and I walk briskly back to her bike. She pulls her hair into a ponytail. I can hardly wait to play with her hair later. I stare as she straddles the bike, turns the key, and presses the starter. The Hayabusa growls as it awakens. Before she has an opportunity to put on her helmet, I move in and lightly peck Christina on lips. Christina reaches her left arm out to pull me in closer. She tilts her head slightly to the right, while bringing my lips to hers. Our lips meet in a passionate kiss. She opened her lips and started to probe my lips with her tongue. I opened my mouth, and welcomed her sweet invasion. She kissed hungrily, and I use the opportunity to stroke her fiery red hair. She feels the bulge in my chaps, and gently strokes me.

"Babe get your helmet on, and let’s go," she commands.

I eagerly follow the command of my Goddess on a bike. I put on my helmet, and take my place on her pillion seat. She revs the engine, and I can feel it reverberate through the seat, against my hardening dick. I grind my loins against her ass, and place my hands greedily around her breast.

"Babe I love it when you grind against my ass. Are you ready to come home with me?" she asks in a sultry tone.

I moan in approval, and grind against her ample ass.

We exit the parking lot, and we waste very little time reaching her home. Thank god the OPP were not out patrolling that evening. Christina is living at her family’s cottage which is on a lake. The location is idyllic. I would take more time to appreciate the beauty of the location, but the ride has me in the mood for other activities.

She turns off the bike, and we both climb off. It’s the evening so it has cooled down considerably. We walk over to the front door. Christina opens the door, and then takes off her helmet. I love the way her hair tumbles out of her helmet. I take off my helmet too, and place it next to hers. She embraces me in her arms, and then moves her arm down to caress my ass.

"Mmmm, nice and firm," she comments. She then playfully gives my ass a light spank.

She then takes my hand and leads me to her room, and she stops at the bed.

"Babe, I will just be in the bathroom for a moment. I can tell it is your first time, and I want to make it special," Christina remarks.

"Who said it is my first time?" I asked incredulously. Fuck I am blushing again.

Christina smirked, and then proceeded to push me over on to her bed. She straddled me.

"I can read you like a book. You’re cute, sexy and smart. And, after my ex, I am happy to be with a virgin. I can tell that you desire me, and want to be with me." She lies across me to reach her nightstand. While I am enjoying the sensation of her silky red hair on my face, she is busy grabbing something from the nightstand. I then feel her move my right arm up. I hear a clicking sound around the bedpost, and feel something metallic on my wrists. Handcuffs? What the fuck?

"What are you doing?" I ask with a sense of panic.

"Making this a night you won’t forget." she answers. She reaches down, and unbuckles the chaps, and unzips my shorts. She smiles as she releases my dick from my underwear. It stands erect straight upwards

"Why someone is eager to play," she comments. She moves off the bed, and then bends over my penis. She gives it a slow lick from the base to the tip.

"Holy fuck!" I remark.

She smiles as she walks over to her dresser, and opens it. She retrieves the batgirl nightgown.

"Back for you in a second babe. Don’t go anywhere."

"I would not dream of leaving." I remark. Besides, I am handcuffed to her bed. Admittedly it feels exciting.

She carries herself to the bathroom with a noticeable spring in her step. I am lying in her bed excitedly awaiting her return. There is literally nothing I can do, other than to wait for my voluptuous goddess’s return. I find myself getting warm, so I use my left arm to unzip the leather jacket that I did not have time to remove.

"I’ll be there in a second," she remarks.

She comes back in the room wearing her Batgirl nightgown. The yellow bat is prominently showing across her bust. The night gown comes down to just below her waist. She bends slightly to plug a cd into the CD player, and I notice she isn’t wearing any underwear. Just her Batgirl nightgown and gloves

She looks over to me and smiles. She grabs something from her drawer, and takes it out of the wrapper. She straddles me on the bed, and places a purple condom on my swollen penis.

"It’s your first time, and I want you to last until I cum, on your throbbing, hard cock," she explains seductively. This will help reduce the sensation

Marilyn Manson’s Tainted Love starts to play on the stereo. She takes my cock in her gloved hand, and opens up her labia with the other hand. She slowly descends on my cock. I moan in ecstasy. I’m penetrating the most seductive woman I have ever met. It feels incredible. Her vagina envelops my cock firmly, and warmly. I can feel her moisture against my cock.

"Ohhh Christina," I moan, "that feels amazing,"

"Our ride made me really horny," she explained, "my lips were spread along the inner seam of my chaps, and I pressed against the gas tank. Your rock hard cock was pressed against my ass. Every bump just made me hornier. I thought I was going to cum on the bike. Now I get to ride you."

She moves her hips in small circles, grinding my cock against her vagina. She leans back to stimulate her G spot, and puts her hands on my knees. I look at her, and I am treated to the sight of her breasts almost overflowing from her batgirl nightie. Her hair is dangling downwards. She grinds her g-spot against the tip of my penis.

"Hmmm, babe this feels so good," she remarks. "I could ride you all night long."

"Mmmm, I think I’d like that," I remark.

With my free hand I touch her breast. Her nipple is fully erect, and I tease it through her night gown. While holding her breast I use my thumb to rub her nipples.

She moans and smiles. She leans over me, and kisses me again. Her luxurious hair drapes around my head. "Can I tell you something?" she whispers.

"What?" I ask.

"For a geek, you are certainly more daring than I expected," she remarked.

I look at her quizzically.

"My ex freaked when I took him on the bike. He drove instead, and I had to wait for him. It took him 20 minutes to catch up." she said. "You loved the ride."

"I found the speed and holding on to you to be euphoric. For that moment in time I all my senses and thoughts were focused on the sensation. It was the most extreme experience I ever had. I would ride with you anytime."

"Was it better than sex?" she asked beaming.

"I don’t know. I was holding on tightly to the most sexy woman I ever met, traveling at extreme speeds, with my erection pressed against her ass, now I am in her room staring up at her breast, as she has her way." I replied.

She opens my mouth with her tongue, and I feel it enter my mouth. This time her emerald eyes are staring at me with an amorous hunger. I use my free hand to stroke her hair.

She straightened back up sitting upright; she started to grind her G-spot passionately against me. I thrust my pelvis upward.

With my free hand I grab her derri?re firmly and squeeze it confidently. I think back to minutes prior when my cock was pressed against her leather clad ass.

"I am going to cum all over your dick," she growls.

"Mmmm, I want you to cum all over my dick," I growl.

I feel her leg muscles contract as she grips my pelvis with her thighs. She lets out a moan. I see her eyes roll back.

She falls forward into me.

I hear her breathing heavily.

"Thanks for the ride baby," she jokes.

"Anytime," I respond. She lies on top of me for a few moments as she catches her breath. When she catches her breath I take the opportunity to steal a kiss. My free hand moves over to caress her beautiful red locks of hair. I have yet to cum, so I am still as hard as a rock.

"Mmmm, your dick is still rock hard," she observes. She takes the handcuffs off of me. She slowly backs herself off my rock hard penis, and lies down beside me. "It’s your turn to ride me babe." She opens her legs, and uses her fingers to spread open her lips.

I can’t possibly resist the invitation. I climb between her legs, and insert my dick into her moist and warm opening. I can feel the walls of her pussy firmly grip my cock. When I am fully in, she wraps her legs and feet firmly against me.

She smiles while she friskily clutches my ass.

"Fuck me hard!" she commands.

I grab a hold of curvy waste, and follow her instructions. I lean over her, and move my arm so it is under her neck. I begin to thrust my cock into her wet vagina. I use all of my enduring energy to have animalistic sex with her.

I lean over further and begin kissing her. I probe her mouth with my tongue until she opens it, welcoming my tongue into her mouth.

I recall the experiences I had with Christina for the past few hours. I think of holding on to her for life and limb while we rocketed down the road with my penis pressed against her ass.

I straighten up, and I grunt. The sexual energy that has built up in me for hours is finally released as I cum inside her. I collapse into her, and kiss her again.

"Oh wow!" I utter.

"So how was your first time?" she asked.

"That was better than a trip to Disneyland" I remarked. I had no idea what to compare it to at that moment.

She laughed. "I have never heard one of my boyfriend’s compare me to Disneyland. So are you in the mood for trip on Ms. Christina’s Wild Ride?"

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